PHP package generators

For creating PHP packages several best practices has been established, like composer support (ofc) and putting the package on packagist, travis integration, directory organisation, tests, documentation and so on.
For further information i recommend these slides which describe the situation very well.

And as we are all lazy, we like generators that scaffold a basic php package layout and luckily there are several out there.
They all differ a bit, so pick your favorite.
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Using forks with composer – late night edition

Using your forks of certain packages with composer is actually pretty easy:
Add the repo of the fork to the repositories block of your composer.json, you might need to change the version to f.e dev-master and thats it. Great. Actually.

"repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": ""

But there are some traps, especially when you are mentally already weekend bound:

When working in a team, take care that you dont add your fork as a private repo.
This happens when you use the @ notation like ‘‘. Its tempting because it will be the clone url on github when you are logged in, which is very likely.
If you do so your team mates will get errors like this:

Failed to execute git clone --no-checkout '' [...] && git remote add composer '' && git fetch composer

Continue reading “Using forks with composer – late night edition”

Symfony and named ParamConverters

Symfony’s ParamConverter is a common way to transform some GET param to an entity before your controllers action.
This happens most of the time via type hinting and priority detection kinda magic in the background.
But as magic is often obscure sometimes you need a bit of explicitness.

F.e. when you have more and different ParamConverter per entity you want to name them explicitly.
Then you can use named ParamConverters.

In the documentation this issue is a bit fragmented, so here is the compact version:
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Enable Twig-Extensions in Silex revisited

As of 2014 things have changed improved a lot in the Symfony / Silex world, compared to 2011, when i first blogged about twig extensions in Silex.
Things got more easy, yay!

As Composer appeared, installation and autoloading is a breeze nowadays.
I presume here, that you have installed your Silex project via composer.
If so, you can install the twig extensions like this:
Continue reading “Enable Twig-Extensions in Silex revisited”

SilverStripe LinkField addon

Alright folks, so here is the SilverStripe addon of the month:

Its the missing LinkField, you might look for.
There are some more addons for a LinkField out there, but this one is the best.
No wonder, the author is SilverStripe employee.

It features:

  • external links
  • link validation
  • link a page from your site
  • link a file from your assets
  • oEmbed links
  • the addon is translated, currently only for german, but add your own, its easy!

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Using Silverstripe Templates outside Silverstripe

In a recent website-project i had a WordPress Blog running next to the main CMS Silverstripe, handling the Blog-part of the site.

Integrating the Blog in Silverstripe (which indeed would have made things simpler) was not  an option at the time. The usage of loads of WordPress plugins would’ve made a rewrite a major task, which was out of the budget.

The blog was integrated in the same page layout as the rest of the website. So ideally it would at least share the same Templates for header, footer etc. and would integrate the sites navigation built by Silverstripe.

But how to use the pre-rendered Silverstripe template .ss files in a WordPress theme?

The following worked fine for me, using Silverstripe 3.0:
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