Monorepo with NPM workspaces

I recently converted a project into a Monorepo.
I had a cli part and an Astro StaticSiteGenerator part.
At some point I felt like these parts would be entangled too much so I decided to separate them. Since they were still related they should stay in one repo but have their own dependencies and separate processes. I still could have kept this in one Astro project with a cli folder but so it feels cleaner structured.

I chose NPM as my package manager since it comes bundled with node and so I decided to try out NPM workspaces as my MonoRepo approach.

So here are my takeaways

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Migrating from gulp to esbuild

Esbuild is the new cool kid in the bundler world.
It is super fast since its written in Go and comes with a lot of builtin features for modern frontend development.

So i wanted to try it myself and migrated a former gulp build to esbuild.

But as it showed the gulp build was not so modern, as it was just Sass and Javascript minification. No ES6, No React, no JSX with inline styles.

So Esbuild was not working out of the box but needed some extra config and the Sass plugin.

npm i -d esbuild esbuild-plugin-sass

Also I had to rewrite the Javascript to use ES6 modules, but this was fortunatly easy.

Continue reading “Migrating from gulp to esbuild” – mashup soundcloud audio tracks is an experiment on collaborative realtime audio editing and music creation.
I did the project within the frame of  my BA thesis in audio production last year.

As I moved the code to github this week, I wanted to give a quick overview of the project and its technical underlyings, just in case someone might be interested :)

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Next Level Javascript Error Tracking

Exceptionhub protokolliert clientseitig auftretende Javascript Fehler.

* Logs all JavaScript errors (local or remote)
* Provides a stack trace to find the cause in all browsers
* Groups errors by cause
* Development and Production modes
* RSS feeds for errors

Einfach einbinden via Javascript im Seitenheader. Dann kriegt man schöne Statistiken über Javascript Fehler mit Browser und OS Infos, Mail-Notifications usw.
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