Enable Twig-Extensions in Silex revisited

As of 2014 things have changed improved a lot in the Symfony / Silex world, compared to 2011, when i first blogged about twig extensions in Silex.
Things got more easy, yay!

As Composer appeared, installation and autoloading is a breeze nowadays.
I presume here, that you have installed your Silex project via composer.
If so, you can install the twig extensions like this:
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SilverStripe LinkField addon

Alright folks, so here is the SilverStripe addon of the month:

Its the missing LinkField, you might look for.
There are some more addons for a LinkField out there, but this one is the best.
No wonder, the author is SilverStripe employee.

It features:

  • external links
  • link validation
  • link a page from your site
  • link a file from your assets
  • oEmbed links
  • the addon is translated, currently only for german, but add your own, its easy!

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Using Silverstripe Templates outside Silverstripe

In a recent website-project i had a WordPress Blog running next to the main CMS Silverstripe, handling the Blog-part of the site.

Integrating the Blog in Silverstripe (which indeed would have made things simpler) was not  an option at the time. The usage of loads of WordPress plugins would’ve made a rewrite a major task, which was out of the budget.

The blog was integrated in the same page layout as the rest of the website. So ideally it would at least share the same Templates for header, footer etc. and would integrate the sites navigation built by Silverstripe.

But how to use the pre-rendered Silverstripe template .ss files in a WordPress theme?

The following worked fine for me, using Silverstripe 3.0:
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Rename admin menu items in SilverStripe

SilverStripe 3.0.x cheap trick of the week:

If you want to rename a menu item in the SilverStripe Admin Area, because f.e. you find “Security” or “Sicherheit”(since we are german ;)) a too harsh wording and you prefer “Members” or “Benutzer”:
simply override the translation!

Add a lang folder in your project folder and add the language file:
de.yml or en.yml and place your wording:

    MENUTITLE: Benutzer

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SilverStripe speed up Portfolio Sites with Static Publisher

A common site type that we build are portfolio pages
which mostly get filled once in the beginning and then only periodically, rather rarely.
They also have almost never User interaction from the Frontend.

So we consider them as almost “readonly” sites.

These sites you can easily speed up “dramatically” with the SilverStripe builtin StaticPublisher.
The tweaks you need for this are moderate to easy.

You can read the Docs to get a glimpse of what is possible.
I will just describe the basic setup to make a site static.
Continue reading “SilverStripe speed up Portfolio Sites with Static Publisher”

mashcloud.net – mashup soundcloud audio tracks

mashcloud.net is an experiment on collaborative realtime audio editing and music creation.
I did the project within the frame of  my BA thesis in audio production last year.

As I moved the code to github this week, I wanted to give a quick overview of the project and its technical underlyings, just in case someone might be interested :)

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