sebastianbergmann/money was abbandonend and the extension was ported to use https://github.com/moneyphp/money instead.
I just released a twig extension for https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/money
The money libary contains a money represention based on the currency’s smallest unit to provide a more accurate handling. See the libary’s readme for more information.
Although the v1.x version of Money brings a Formatter the Twig extension uses its own, which is better suited and more flexible.
What it does? See this:
{{ money|money_i18n_format('de_DE') }} 1.123,45 € {{ money|money_i18n_format('en_US') }} €1,123.45 {{ money|money_i18n_decimal('en_US') }} 1,123.45 {{ money|money_currency_symbol('en_US') }} € {{ money|money_currency_name('en_US') }} Euro
Check the readme for more information.
The `sebastian/money` is abandoned.