Composer bump

Do you miss that the version numbers of your PHP dependencies are automatically updated in the composer.json file after a composer update?
Just like npm or yarn are updating the version numbers in the package.json file.

Then upgrade to Composer 2.4 and say hi to composer dump.
This version introduced a new command composer bump which will update your composer.json file to the precise version which is pinned in the composer.lock file.
It basically will sync the composer.json with the composer.lock versions and will keep the caret version constraints, so you can still make minor or patch version upgrades.

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Disable SilverStripe deprecation warnings in PHP8.1

Since SilverStripe 4.10 is not yet fully ready for PHP8.1 you wil receive quite some deprecation warnings in dev mode when you are brave and run it nonetheless on PHP8.1.

Deprecated: SilverStripe\Config\Collections\MemoryConfigCollection implements the Serializable interface, which is deprecated. Implement __serialize() and __unserialize() instead (or in addition, if support for old PHP versions is necessary) in /var/www/html/vendor/silverstripe/config/src/Collections/MemoryConfigCollection.php on line 13

Unfortunatly we can’t control the error_reporting from SilverStripe since it is set in the kernel of the framework.
So we are forced to hack the Kernel which is rather unfortunate.

In the SilverStripe Slack channel someone proposed to use composer-patch which will apply a patch to a given vendor dependency during composer install.
This is quite cool because you don’t need to fork the dependency and take care of getting upstream changes.

So i went this path down and it looks like in this gist:

Continue reading “Disable SilverStripe deprecation warnings in PHP8.1”

PHP package generators

For creating PHP packages several best practices has been established, like composer support (ofc) and putting the package on packagist, travis integration, directory organisation, tests, documentation and so on.
For further information i recommend these slides which describe the situation very well.

And as we are all lazy, we like generators that scaffold a basic php package layout and luckily there are several out there.
They all differ a bit, so pick your favorite.
Continue reading “PHP package generators”

Using forks with composer – late night edition

Using your forks of certain packages with composer is actually pretty easy:
Add the repo of the fork to the repositories block of your composer.json, you might need to change the version to f.e dev-master and thats it. Great. Actually.

"repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": ""

But there are some traps, especially when you are mentally already weekend bound:

When working in a team, take care that you dont add your fork as a private repo.
This happens when you use the @ notation like ‘‘. Its tempting because it will be the clone url on github when you are logged in, which is very likely.
If you do so your team mates will get errors like this:

Failed to execute git clone --no-checkout '' [...] && git remote add composer '' && git fetch composer

Continue reading “Using forks with composer – late night edition”