Deploy local build with Deployer7

Deployer is a great tool to deploy your PHP Project.

Deployer executes a set of commands on the target server to build your project and enable the newly built version. A typical deployment process with Deployer involves SSHing into the target machine, where it performs a Git checkout of the project, installs dependencies via Composer, runs build commands, and possibly triggers some database migrations. When everything is successful, it will symlink the webroot to the new release.

On some servers, however, there are limitations that make this process unfeasible. For instance, you can’t install Composer, Git isn’t available, the CLI PHP version is different and can’t be changed, or certain asset-building processes aren’t possible because Node.js isn’t installed. This is often the case with shared hosting.

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install silverstripe with some modules from GIT

This is a small shell script to set up silverstripe CMS
along with some modules i often use (as seen in ivo’s post)

The script has two parameters:
– the folder to clone the whole thing into
– the branch/tag to checkout afterwards

# install silverstripe + common modules from github
# usage sh <folder_name> <tag/branch>
# examples:
# sh some_folder tags/2.4.5
# sh some_folder master

Continue reading “install silverstripe with some modules from GIT”

Unfuddle: Repository read access denied

Unfuddle: Repository read access denied

Ich benutze ja ganz gerne unfuddle für Projekte mit closed source.
Dort kann man nämlich mit dem free Account, anders wie bei github, private repositories erstellen.

Nun hatte ich aber neulich plötzlich einen Auth Fehler und konnte mich mit meinem key nicht mehr connecten:

ERROR:gitosis.serve.main:Repository read access denied
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

Ich war mir keiner schuld bewußt.

Nachdem ich meinen key gelöscht bei unfuddle hatte und neu anlegen wollte, kam dann die Fehlermeldung:

This public key has already been taken by another user.
If you have multiple accounts, you must use a different public key for each account.

Continue reading “Unfuddle: Repository read access denied”