This is dangerous:
//example array $array = array('a' => array(array(243,453,435,232))); foreach ($array['a'] as &$value) { $value[3] = $newvalue; }
This works, but now the $value var is in the array by reference which can lateron lead to:
Notice: Array to string conversion
see below in the comments for when…
This works better:
Using reference, array_walk und lambda functions works:
array_walk($array[$key], function(&$value, $key, $newvalue) { $value[3] = $newvalue; },$newvalue); //works
or that (thanks lars):
foreach ($array['a'] as $k => $value) { $array['a'][$k][3] = $newvalue; }
The first code sample doesn’t make any sense. $value[4] while $value is 0?! You either mean $array[$key][4] = $newvalue; or foreach ($array as $k => &$v)…
yep youre right
the code was incomplete
the problem was actually this:
the problem here is that the second $value is due to the “reference” in the first loop somehow “occupied” with the reference and not newly set, as i thought
so this works:
all this trouble because of my lazyness to write some chars more
the longer way works of course, as you proposed:
wusste gar nicht dass das geht mit der Referenz in der foreach Schleife. Seit welcher Version gibt’s das denn?
Die Merkwürdigkeit scheint aber auch schon anderen passiert zu sein…
Ach, jetzt versteh ich auch, was dein Problem ist!
Ja, die Variablen-Referenz bleibt auch bei reference nach der foreach bestehen, siehe entsprechende Warnung im PHP Manual:
Also einfach ein unset() zwischen die zwei foreach schieben und gut.