Superleansilexplate Update v3

Some news from the Superleansilexplate:

  • v3 now uses symfony3 components
    Silex 1.3 supports symfony3 so lets use it :)
    Note: as symfony3 doesnt support php5.4 anymore, we dont either!
  • new ConsoleServiceProvider
    the one from knplabs that was used before seems to be unmaintained and wasnt matching the dependencies anymore.
    So i decided to take it over and renew it a bit. Check it out!
  • Docker support
    I started to use Docker as dev enviroment for my projects, so i added dev & prod Docker support.
    For the sake of simplicity it uses a single container with Apache and PHP7.
    If you have Docker and docker-compose on your machine just spin it up with docker-compose up and check on localhost:8088.

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