Symfony Cache Component with SncRedisBundle

Since version 3.1 there is a Cache component with a PSR-6 implementation integrated in Symfony.
So we do not need to add a 3rd party lib as Doctrine Cache anymore when we need caching these days.

Doctrine Cache does the job but by implementing a standard the Symfony Cache seems to have another advantage besides its delievered anyway. So i checked it out.

Documentation is still a bit sparse and the best resource so far is this blogpost:

I wont go into detail on how you use the Cache but rather how you integrate it with Redis, which is my favourite Cache backend.
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tell redis db to not persist

redis persists its memory data in snapshot style in every n seconds depending on your configuration.
read more here.
perhaps you would like to use redis as a pure in-memory db, like f.e. memchache.
you can tell redis to not persist and save some bits&miliseconds.
this could be the case when using redis as a f.e. realtime queue, you wont need persistence,
because you could say: nobody needs is newsfeed from the that day before the machine crashed ;)

alright, do so by:
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