Disable SilverStripe deprecation warnings in PHP8.1

Since SilverStripe 4.10 is not yet fully ready for PHP8.1 you wil receive quite some deprecation warnings in dev mode when you are brave and run it nonetheless on PHP8.1.

Deprecated: SilverStripe\Config\Collections\MemoryConfigCollection implements the Serializable interface, which is deprecated. Implement __serialize() and __unserialize() instead (or in addition, if support for old PHP versions is necessary) in /var/www/html/vendor/silverstripe/config/src/Collections/MemoryConfigCollection.php on line 13

Unfortunatly we can’t control the error_reporting from SilverStripe since it is set in the kernel of the framework.
So we are forced to hack the Kernel which is rather unfortunate.

In the SilverStripe Slack channel someone proposed to use composer-patch which will apply a patch to a given vendor dependency during composer install.
This is quite cool because you don’t need to fork the dependency and take care of getting upstream changes.

So i went this path down and it looks like in this gist:

Continue reading “Disable SilverStripe deprecation warnings in PHP8.1”

Class “Psr\Log\Test\TestLogger” not found

The psr/log package used to have not only the Interface for PSR-3 Logger, but also actual implementations of the interface like the TestLogger.
The TestLogger could be used as mock for any PSR-3 Logger in your test cases.

However from v3 the TestLogger was removed, so that the psr/log package would focus solely on the Interface.

If you used the TestLogger in your project and you or some of your dependencies upgraded psr/log to >= v3 you most likely saw this error:

Class "Psr\Log\Test\TestLogger" not found

Continue reading “Class “Psr\Log\Test\TestLogger” not found”

Filter a csv file with nodejs streams

So we have a CSV file with a member list and we want to filter all empty emails.


With nodejs streams this is almost a one liner.

We will use the csv package from the CSV project which has some sophisticated packages to parse and transform csv data with nodejs streams.

npm install csv

We will further use node as ESM (ECMAScript modules) to be shiningly modern and so lets create a file: index.mjs
Note the .mjs extension, which will tell node to interprete this as ESM. (Since nodejs v12.20.0 && v14.13.0)

We import the packages and create the filesystem streams to read the file, then built a pipeline with the streams and the single steps to process the data and write the results into a new file.
Ok let’s go:

Continue reading “Filter a csv file with nodejs streams”

Migrating user table from Mysql to Postgres with Symfony and Doctrine

When using bin/console make:entity on Mysql and then later you switch your application to Postgres and you have a table called user, which you most likely have when using security component of Symfony.
Then you will receive an error because user is a reserved word in Postgres!

An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO user (id, email, roles, password, is_verified) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' with params [3, "dev@dev.de", "[]", "your-encrypted-password", 0]:
SQLSTATE[42601]: Syntax error: 7 ERROR: syntax error at or near "user"
LINE 1: INSERT INTO user (id, email, roles, password, is_verified) V...

Continue reading “Migrating user table from Mysql to Postgres with Symfony and Doctrine”

Recreate pruned docker networks with docker-compose

So here is nice chain of docker errors and its solution.

1. Docker has reached its maximum of created networks and errors like this:

ERROR: could not find an available, non-overlapping IPv4 address pool among the defaults to assign to the network

The easiest (and most brute though) solution to this is to prune all networks, as suggested here on SO.

docker network prune

This will delete all networks that are not connected to currently active containers.
But this also means it will delete all networks of your not runnning dev projects.
(Which might be numerous as in my case.)

Continue reading “Recreate pruned docker networks with docker-compose”

Migrating from gulp to esbuild

Esbuild is the new cool kid in the bundler world.
It is super fast since its written in Go and comes with a lot of builtin features for modern frontend development.

So i wanted to try it myself and migrated a former gulp build to esbuild.

But as it showed the gulp build was not so modern, as it was just Sass and Javascript minification. No ES6, No React, no JSX with inline styles.

So Esbuild was not working out of the box but needed some extra config and the Sass plugin.

npm i -d esbuild esbuild-plugin-sass

Also I had to rewrite the Javascript to use ES6 modules, but this was fortunatly easy.

Continue reading “Migrating from gulp to esbuild”

Passing a boolean to the constructor of “Symfony\Component\Dotenv\Dotenv” is deprecated

You might encounter this deprecation message after your upgrade to symfony 5.1 in your symfony project:

Since symfony/dotenv 5.1: Passing a boolean to the constructor of “Symfony\Component\Dotenv\Dotenv” is deprecated, use “Dotenv::usePutenv()

To fix this, go to config/bootstrap.php and remove the false from the Dotenv constructor:
(new Dotenv(false))->loadEnv(dirname(DIR).'/.env');
(new Dotenv())->loadEnv(dirname(DIR).'/.env');
See: https://github.com/symfony/symfony/issues/37195

Actually the file config/bootstrap.php has been removed from symfony 5.1 and was replaced in public/index.php.

But since the project was updated from an symfony 4 version the bootrap file is still present.

So another option would be to remove the boostrap file and update the project entirely to symfony 5.1 recipe.
This is not trivial though as you can see in this corresponfing PullRequest.