Monorepo with NPM workspaces

I recently converted a project into a Monorepo.
I had a cli part and an Astro StaticSiteGenerator part.
At some point I felt like these parts would be entangled too much so I decided to separate them. Since they were still related they should stay in one repo but have their own dependencies and separate processes. I still could have kept this in one Astro project with a cli folder but so it feels cleaner structured.

I chose NPM as my package manager since it comes bundled with node and so I decided to try out NPM workspaces as my MonoRepo approach.

So here are my takeaways

Continue reading “Monorepo with NPM workspaces” – mashup soundcloud audio tracks is an experiment on collaborative realtime audio editing and music creation.
I did the project within the frame of  my BA thesis in audio production last year.

As I moved the code to github this week, I wanted to give a quick overview of the project and its technical underlyings, just in case someone might be interested :)

Continue reading “ – mashup soundcloud audio tracks”

Expeditions in the Cloud

Caution: Scepticism ahead!

So i’d like to share some of my experiences in the cloud since i am still trying to figure out if it its worth for me or if i am better suited with an VPS.
Maybe somebody feels like feedbackin.

I tried PHPFog for PHP and by joyent for node.js.
First i have to admit: yes i only tried the free models and of course they are limited and because its free you cant expect to get it all, right?
Yes and thats true.

With PHPFog i set up an app based on symfony 1.4. After some inital problems due to some bugs on PHPFog side, i got it running.
I really like to mention the kind and immediate chat support by PHPFog. It really made me feel like dealin with humans and not only machines. Big up!
By then everything felt really smooth with git deploy, configurations, mysql setup etc.
But i had to shut down the app again, because there are restrictions to PHP which killed the app like disabling “file_get_contents for remote URLS”, probably only in the free model. But that killed it for me at that point.
So read this carefully before going to cloud:
I guess with dedicated hosting you get more power, sure.

Continue reading “Expeditions in the Cloud”

[Symfony 2] AsseticBundle, Less CSS & YUI Compressor unter OSX installieren

Das AsseticBundle ist ein Wrapper um Assetic, ein geniales Tool, um statische Assets für Webprojekte zu verwalten. AsseticBundle ist extrem einfach zu verwenden, einfach die entsprechende Filter-Chain via yaml konfigurieren, um mehr muss man sich nicht kümmern. Natürlich allerdings müssen die zugrundeliegenden Abhängigkeiten im Vorfeld installiert sein. In unserem Falle benötigen wir den Yui-Compressor als jar-File und Less CSS. Less ist ein node.js Modul, was bedingt, dass wir zuvor node.js installieren müssen.
Continue reading “[Symfony 2] AsseticBundle, Less CSS & YUI Compressor unter OSX installieren”

Synchronous http request in node.js, that you dont want, probably

Achtung dummy code!

…and so it goes Asynchronous:

 for(var i = 0; i < loop.length; i++)
	var proxy = http.createClient(PORT,SERVER);
	var request = proxy.request('GET', url, 
            "host": SERVER

fire, fire, fire, fire

… and so it dont, Synchronous then:

var proxy = http.createClient(PORT,SERVER);
for(var i = 0; i < loop.length; i++)
	var request = proxy.request('GET', url, 
            "host": SERVER

point – shoot, point – shoot, point – shoot

well i didnt know that :)