Updating OXID eShop to 6.2.0

Oxid eShop 6.2 is released and its a good step forward to a modernized codebase, embracing best practices and more symfony-like patterns.

Since i do a lot of coding with symfony besides OXID i was very exited about this new version. So i gave it a try and updated one of the shops i maintain. (Its not public yet, i will update this post once we launch, Its launched by now, yay: https://www.cafelehmitz-photobooks.com/).

I basically followed this upgrade guide: https://docs.oxid-esales.com/eshop/de/6.2/installation/update/von-6.1.x-auf-6.2.0-aktualisieren.html

So here is my experience updating OXID eShop 6.1.5 to 6.2.0:

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OXID eShop manufacturer long description module and fck editor module

I recently made my first OXID eShop module: OXID-manufacturer-text-mod
Which basically adds a long description field to the manufacturer.

This comes just as a normal textarea, as usual in OXID CE.
If you would like to add an Richtext Editor, you can purchase the fck Editor module
and install it, if you did not already.

After you installed the fck module your textareas of the basic shop are rich text.

But since the manufacturer long description comes from the module, you have to teach the fck module the new field.
Continue reading “OXID eShop manufacturer long description module and fck editor module”